ported from old Blogger blog

Here come the changebloggers

I met with Kathrin Ivanovic today at Remedy Tea Bar (nice place, first time there). She’s one of a growing number of self-identified changebloggers. A new label, though not a new practice, changebloggers are “bloggers, podcasters and vloggers who are using their platform to make the world a better place”, according to the Changeblogger Network… Continue reading Here come the changebloggers

ported from old Blogger blog

Here come the changebloggers

I met with Kathrin Ivanovic today at Remedy Tea Bar (nice place, first time there). She’s one of a growing number of self-identified changebloggers. A new label, though not a new practice, changebloggers are “bloggers, podcasters and vloggers who are using their platform to make the world a better place”, according to the Changeblogger Network… Continue reading Here come the changebloggers